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Today's X posts/tweets.

Because sometimes what the masses want isn't always what's best for all. About toxic people who want to get reactions out of you.  About loose-fitting racial categories. You're either black, white (incl. Fareast Asians & Arabs), Indian/south Asian, Australasian, Amerindian or a mixture of any of those groups. We have not discovered green & purple aliens yet.  In the modern world, a black man can't afford to be just a hut-dwelling, spear-throwing, hunter/fisher/farmer. We need to know modern technologies & trends to prevent ourselves from going extinct no matter if we deliberately choose to be  hut-dwelling, spear-throwing, hunter/fisher/farmers.
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We need to fix historical injustices or they may fix us.

Sometimes knowing history to certain extents can be burdensome. It is so much easier to just not know & let The Universe fix things. But since modern & recent history from the 1500s onwards is so well recorded often by people who had first-hand experience of the events they wrote, it's not easy to choose ignorance when everyone is so well aware of each other's history. This then leaves us with the dilemma of letting the past go only for it to continue haunting us or do something about past injustices. Doing something about past injustices can be chaotic & full of awkwardness so we always need to apply a bit of tact & "soft-handedness" to ensure that we don't alienate the present world we live in trying to relive & correct the past. Below are a few recurring topics in African history that many have probably not fully found peace with & I feel that peaceful justice is better than violent justice provided that peaceful justice deals with the p

Comprehensive classification of Ngoni / Nguni groups.

List of Ngoni / Nguni nations : • Bhaca • Hlubi • Mpondo • Ndebele (northern Ndebele in Mthwakazi & southern Ndebele in Gauteng, South Africa) • Ngoni / Jere / Jele (mainly in Malawi, northern Mozambique, southern Tanzania, Zambia) • Nhlangwini    • Shangaan  • Swazi  • Tembu • Xhosa • Zizi • Zulu Altogether, twelve (12) "Nguni" groups are known to exist. From my knowledge in any case.  Bhaca, Hlubi, Nhlangwini, Swazi & Zizi are the Mbo Entity . The Mbo Entity often declassifies itself from the Nguni group. Nhlangwini & Swazi are under a Dlamini dynasty while the Hlubi & Zizi are also Dlamini tribes. Ngoni & Shangaan are of Ndwandwe origin (a tribe assimilated by the Zulu Empire). Bhaca, Hlubi, Ndebele, Nhlangwini, Shangaan, Zizi & some Mpondo are often classified as Zulu. While it's unknown whether Mpondo & Xhosa qualify as Nguni, they are often grouped as Nguni. Using family groups to classify :  • Mbo • Mpondo • Nguni***

Etymology of the word "Thwa".

Etymology Abathwa -> Abathuwa (Abathowa?, Abathiwa?) "-wa" prefix in Nguni languages often meaning a person or thing which something is being done to. "Wa-" means belonging to something in various African languages. Base word is thu/tu/tho/thi.  U thu ngu is a sheaf/bush from a harvest.  Ubu thi na state of being.  Uku thi to say or do.  Uku tu sa is to praise.  Uku thu ka (pronounced thù ) to be frightened or shocked.  U thu ku is a hunch or instinct.  Uku thu ka (pronounced thü ) to insult.  I tho ngo  I tho nsi  Ubu tho ngo to feel sleepy. Ukufuna uku lala .  Uku ti nyela to sting. Thu/Tu/Thi seems to mean a state of being perhaps agriculture/farming or language .   Etymology of the Si/Nsi prefix & suffix. • Nsimbi ~ Something dug & collected. Something when processed (by man) causes harm? • Si- /Isi- ~ we / something belonging to a certain group of people. • Ithonsi ~ something when gathered becoming something of the people i. e. water  • Amasi ~

A solution for disenfranchised black Americans.

I'd like to start by saying my level of understanding of black America is of an outsider & will always be of an outsider, all I know is basic sociology & human interaction that allowed me to create this solution.  I believe if the USA really wanted African Americans to leave to Liberia/Maryland, they should've made the transition as easy as possible. Maybe even offer free trips & benefits... but Liberia had established tribes who lived there so maybe they could've got an island off the coast of Africa or some island in the Atlantic Ocean. My best solution for a black Usonian state would be to get the island Haiti & Dominican Republic currently is... make that a US state just for black people. And in time, grant it independence. Haitians & Dominicans could still speak Creole, French & Spanish & do whatever they did before... The new country could be called Ayiti... they could consider themselves as part of Africa or the Americas or both... I c

For the conscious black nationalist...

1) The problem with claiming "you made someone" of a different race or even ethnicity to you is that to them, you're just being stupid. Because even if you did "make them", you gave away for free what you could've kept for your own race & ethnicity. Claiming a black person is white because they're better than many white people at a particular task won't make the black person white. You don't become another race because of a certain level of competence. Even if the famous Michael Jackson bleached his skin, learnt Hungarian & how to manufacture a gun from scratch; he still wouldn't have been white. Likewise, getting a suntan & learning Swahili wouldn't have made F. W. de Klerk black. Hijacking the success of other races is another form of soft neocolonialism.  2) Black unity was introduced to South Africa - & perhaps Africa - by a group of academics who were educated by people who were not from Africa, not to say black unit

The white South African.

I am trying to realise what it means being a white South African & I will surely never understand as a black person but knowing that the whole world, apart from a few far-right groups, questions your existence in Africa must make you consider whether you really belong in Africa. I mean, sure, you could be hard-headed & continue forging ahead with the (now defunct) colonial ideal but after all the wars & racist policies, it is no longer welcome in Africa. So what to do with white South Africans?  The group of whites that is considered the most racist in the world: white South Africans. What's makes them particularly more racist than other white people worldwide? The future of the white South Africans .  I think as Africans wake up to their world, the idea of colonisers - let alone colonisers hogging their land's economy - will be less welcome. What we will see is increasing xenophobic sentiments towards South Africa's white population. And I can imagi