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Showing posts from October, 2023

RE: Kwatuism

1) The ethnostate or, at least, a single-language state: The Kwatuist believes a land that is not unified by, at least, language cannot move forward. A single-ethnicity & single-language state is ideally Kwatuan because it's how Kwatu (Africa) was originally. No persecution of minorities just cultural & language unity through the education system. 2) Established/ancient customs prioritised: Cultural practices are prioritised by the Kwatuist state & often made public holidays such as indigenous festivals & ancient practices as well as traditional leaders being part of the land's governance this means chiefs having a place in the land's parliament & government. 3) The physical, mental & emotional health of citizens: This is done through established sports programmes, mental exercises & games being encouraged in media & society in general. Emotional wellbeing of being in a land that works towards the benefit of itself & it's citize

Separating from South Africa...

The Cape Republic Adcvocacy Group keeps ranting & raving about separating from South Africa without actually separating from South Africa. They made this video explaining virtually in kid's terms why the Western Cape should secede. So to equal their feat, here are simple reasons there should be a sovereign Zulu state if one would come to be & why it would succeed: • Tribalism & being in an Anglo-Dutch project : Frequently, the Zulu race faces discrimination within South Africa & also, South Africa was not made by indigenous people so there's little reason indigenous people should feel ownership of it. So the Zulu separating from South Africa would lead to possibly less discrimination & a sense of ownership of their land among the Zulu community. • A unified Zulu country with a single language. Compare this with multilingual South Africa where people frequently don't get what's going on because they don't understand English , Afrikaans or oth

Umulando wendawo yakwaDlangezwa...

KwaDlangezwa kuthiwa kwakuyindawo yamaNkwali (abakwaMkhwanazi / kaNdwandwe) ababehlala eduze kwabakwaDube ngezikhathi zaminyaka ye-1700 ne-1800. Igama lelokishi elithi "kwaDlangezwa" engathi lisuka kwinkosi yasemandulo yawo amaNkwali ekwakithiwa wuDlangezwa.

South Africa: Why the Inglorious Basterds don't always beat the Nazis...

In South Africa,  we have a new form of propaganda. One that promotes mixed ethnicities & makes being of "pure blood" a shame. Promoting bastardization to put it coarsely. Mixed race or mixed ethnicity marriages are not a bad thing but neither are marriages where both the male & female are of the same ethnicity. It is no crime to want to marry a person of your own ethnicity. That is, in fact, the norm & statistically involves less conflict & contradiction in future than mixed identity marriages. Sometimes people want mixed ethnicity marriages to promote peace among conflicting groups but that seldom ever works because people being people, we'll still not like those that are different from us. You cannot shame stable people into wanting to be of mixed ethnicity. I want to send a message to people whose parents are of the same ethnicity that it is no crime to be a perfect cultural or genetic phenotype of your people. It is not Nazism, there is no killing