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Showing posts from September, 2023

What is a person?

If you can artificially create meat to cover a steel covered autonomous skeleton, how is that different from a human being? We know of people that are killing people on on the regular & who are attacking people. If this steel machine with minimal human interaction programmes can do basic work such as delivering boxes & identify what is wrong or right, they are essentially more human than many humans we know of... it's funny. 

What is a watch?

We all have a problem of finding our cellular phones at some time hence there are sometimes phone finder apps on smartwatches but can a cellphone be merged with a smartwatch to be one device to eliminate this lost phone problem for good? And considering that you sometimes can't put your hand up to your ear, how would such a device work without an external audio input/output device? Would a Bluetooth neckband or earpods be compulsory when buying such a device because I imagine some would want privacy on their phone calls or music they listen to. Or is it better for the pocket phone to remain & the supplementary smartwatch to be on the wrist? Would a wristphone or wrist smartphone be too distracting? I also think games would be a little difficult to play on a wrist-mounted device so it may be used for simply productivity. We know how CAT phones can be made very durable, could that translate to wristphones? There's also the problem of cellphone radiation, would a 5G wristph...

Mbo Brotherhood

It's weird to me that everyone in KZN grows up claiming to be Zulu either due to ignorance or association. After reading that the kingship of the former states & kingdoms that originally existed in KZN & northern Eastern Cape has been denied & ignored, I feel it right that the Mbo peoples find their own recognition. These people don't need a much younger Anglo-Dutch state to recognise them in their own land. Mbo people are not Nguni - they consist of the Amazizi , Hlubi , Nhlangwini & Amabhaca . These Mbo tribes were the first so-called Bantu nation to arrive in present-day South Africa & therefore KwaZulu-Natal. They speak the Mbo language which is a Tekela language. The Portuguese who got shipwrecked by Port Natal (Durban) in the 1500s or 1600s reported that the land they were in leading up to Delagoa Bay (Maputo) was called eMbo being accompanied by Hlubi warriors on their journey. I have yet to decipher what Mbo means but I've come across articles i...