The Cape Republic Adcvocacy Group keeps ranting & raving about separating from South Africa without actually separating from South Africa. They made this video explaining virtually in kid's terms why the Western Cape should secede. So to equal their feat, here are simple reasons there should be a sovereign Zulu state if one would come to be & why it would succeed: • Tribalism & being in an Anglo-Dutch project : Frequently, the Zulu race faces discrimination within South Africa & also, South Africa was not made by indigenous people so there's little reason indigenous people should feel ownership of it. So the Zulu separating from South Africa would lead to possibly less discrimination & a sense of ownership of their land among the Zulu community. • A unified Zulu country with a single language. Compare this with multilingual South Africa where people frequently don't get what's going on because they don't understand English , Afrikaans or oth...