The Diary of Henry Francis Fynn ( Shuter & Shooter version | Amazon version) is one of the most important documents of Zulu history during the so-called " Shakan Era " because Zulu history is usually kept in clan praises & the praises of kings but there are no distinct dates of events in oral tradition. While in oral tradition the emotion & spirit of the people of a time can be captured, in written works none of these will ever become forgotten. From the published diary of Henry Francis Fynn. Marburg: Where it is said King Shaka once met with Henry Francis Fynn in 1828. It's still called Shaka's Bush. GPS coordinates -30.7263745, 30.4371909 by road called Raven Pl. Also, the area south of Mzimkhulu River is not a "No Man's Land". Nhlangwini, Cele & other tribes lived there & still do today. After visiting Henry Francis Fynn in Marburg (in the greater Mban...