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Yesiphi isizathu esadala ukuthi kwakhiwe amaphiramidi?

Ngaqale ngacabanga ukuthi amaphiramidi aseGibhithe akhiwa ngama-Coptic namaSulumane ukuvikela abansundu ukuthi bangadluleli e-Afrika baye e-Eshiya, ngacabanga kabili ngoba siyazi ukuthi abansundu babekhona eGibhithe nasemazweni awamaSulumane emandulo ngesikhathi ekwakubhalwa ngaso incwadi ye-Eksodusi ebhayibhelini. Amaphiramidi akakhiwanga okwodonga futhi ukuthi kuvimbele abantu ukuthi bangadluli okwoDonga Olukhulu laseShayina. Okunye okudala ukuthi ngibone ukuthi amaphiramidi aseGibhithe akakhiwanga ukuvimbela abansundu ngandlela-thize wukuthi umucwaningi womulando waseGibhithe u-Cheikh Anta Diop uthi imizimba ethol'wa khona ngaphakathi kumaphiramidi, ikhombisa (kwizifundo zegazi) ukuthi abanye babantu abaseGibhithe nabawakha amaphiramidi kwakungabantu abansundu. Kukhona nabathi isifinksi sibukeka engathi sinobuso bomuntu onsundu. Siyazi futhi ukuthi iGibhithe yake yabuswa ngabaseNubhiya (ekuyisizwe sabansundu), loku kwenza ukuthi ngibone ukuthi amaphiramidi kwakungamangcwaba wofaro kuphela, akhiwele ukuthi akhunjulwe nokuthi abonakale izinkulungwane zeminyaka. 

Ucwaningo luveza ukuthi ubukhosi baseGibhithe (ingakanqotshwa ngabaseNubhiya) babeshada nabakubo. Loku kuthiwa kwakuwukuthi amandla wobukhosi ahlale nozalo nomundeni omunye. Igazi lalomundeni kubonakala engathi lwalubaluleke ngayona ndlela kubaseGibhithe yasemandulo. 

Kukhona nenkolelo yokuthi amaphiramidi aseGibhithe ayenamandla wokuletha amanzi, okwakungabe yinto ebalulekile endaweni eyomile.

"Ukufunda umulando kubuye kube wukufunda ngobuqaba basemandulo." - Ongaziwa

Ukuthi inkolelo yabaseGibhithe emandulo kwakungayona noma babelandela othixo bamanga, ngeke sazi. Izimfihlo zomufula iNayili sezalahleka ngaphansi kwehlane iSahara. 


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