I often say that I grew up among many races but always never forgot my black/African roots. There is no South African accent because every racial group or ethnicity in South Africa speaks with their own accent so if I were to classify my accent, it would be just "some black guy from South Africa speaking". Accents often tell where you grew up or were educated but race does not. I can speak with a Chinese accent as a black person but it won't make me Chinese.
In the recent past, the word 'race' could often be used in the same way as 'ethnicity'. You'd get the Italian race, the Igbo race, the Egyptian race & so on. It's only in the modern day that the word "race" is specifically reserved for continental groups when before, it could mean any distinct ethnic group. Also, race is not colour because there are some dark skinned Indians who would pass for black if they were bald & light skinned or even albino black people who are much lighter skinned than some white people. Race is more genetic, it's more the blood in your veins (your DNA) than your appearance.
The now famous quote "Race is a social construct" was said by a black woman married to a German man. Are you really going to take opinions on race from someone who is not even married to their own race? Race is not an opinion. Identity may be fluid but race is not. Presently, in 8 November 2023 A. D. of the Gregorian calendar, there are four distinct races. The four races of the world being Mongoloid (central & Fareast Asia), Caucasiod (Europe & the Middle East), Negroid (Africa) & Australoid (south Asia, Australasia, & Pacific Islands). No alien humanoid races have landed on Earth yet.