There are many reasons why flying cars could be dangerous & in this video you can count valid points why flying cars shouldn't be commonplace. One reason flying cars are dangerous is that a malfunction or a crash (human error) by a flying car could do as much damage as a missile shell to a land's infrastructure. But an air taxi service (N. B.: single passenger or two passenger unlike the minibus taxi service of South Africa) with regularly maintained vehicles might work to prevent the problem of lack of vehicle maintenance by individual owners. Instead of these aircraft being owned by individuals, they could be solely reserved for public transport organisations. The advantages of these air taxis could be getting rid of some traffic & offer an alternative, possibly quicker transport service. Also, aircraft travel in a straight line & not a winding road which decreases travel time so less time period for any error to occur. These air taxis could be programmed to prioritise specific routes like over the sea or lesser populated areas with no infrastructure & be fitted with a parachute of sorts & airbags. I think these automated transport drones keep getting lighter & more efficient so as a transport service, I think they could work. The only problem may be demarcating landing zones in unknown places unless an onboard computer could locate areas large enough to land for a while when boarding & offloading passengers... These air taxis could be based in & around urban areas.
List of Ngoni / Nguni nations : • Bhaca • Hlubi • Mpondo • Ndebele (northern Ndebele in Mthwakazi & southern Ndebele in Gauteng, South Africa) • Ngoni / Jere / Jele (mainly in Malawi, northern Mozambique, southern Tanzania, Zambia) • Nhlangwini • Shangaan • Swazi • Tembu • Xhosa • Zizi • Zulu Altogether, twelve (12) "Nguni" groups are known to exist. From my knowledge in any case. Bhaca, Hlubi, Nhlangwini, Swazi & Zizi are the Mbo Entity . The Mbo Entity often declassifies itself from the Nguni group. Nhlangwini & Swazi are under a Dlamini dynasty while the Hlubi & Zizi are also Dlamini tribes. Ngoni & Shangaan are of Ndwandwe origin (a tribe assimilated by the Zulu Empire). Bhaca, Hlubi, Ndebele, Nhlangwini, Shangaan, Zizi & some Mpondo are often classified as Zulu. While it's unknown whether Mpondo & Xhosa qualify as Nguni, they are often grouped as Nguni. Using family groups to classify : • Mbo • Mpo...