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Let it go...

You know, I often sit & think... who first decided that it is a good idea to rule over a nation that is not theirs? We come across many examples in history, there were the Persians, Greeks, Phoenicians & Romans in antiquity. What the ancient empire rulers did was that they virtually became as the locals & learnt the local languages, they then collected taxes being careful not to ask too much taxes from the locals lest the locals rebel against the empire. In Africa, this never happened. Not only were the majority of Africans under rule by people who were not even the same race i. e. skin colour but the foreign powers came & disregarded local borders & languages, then drew borders according to what they (the foreigners) needed. Just adding insult to injury. This caused a lot of confusion because new Eurocentric states now popped up & divided precolonial states & precolonial nations. Now, the solution here sounds simple enough; simply redraw borders along precolonial African states & ethnic borders. The problem now is that Africans have grown acclimatised to the new borders drawn in Berlin & redrawing borders may disrupt the lives of many so contingency strategies would need to be made to ensure easier transition back into our ethnic homelands. 

Every African Berlin-Conference state has since gotten rid of foreign rule to a large degree. All but slow South Africa who still have foreigners, who arrived in 1652, imposing their rule here. It's all fun in a multicultural land until the people realise that they hate each other. Woops, what happens now? We didn't think that would happen. Orania there, Cape Republic there, gated communities here. What's happening? Weren't we unified by Mandela? Doesn't everyone love rugby? Doesn't everyone love soccer? What's going on?

I'm of the firm belief that people should live where they're suited & if they're not suited to live there, they can leave. Clearly, this theory of mine has holes because of the globalised world we live in. The palest & blondest Swede would feel at home in Kenya because of many modern luxuries. Are they Luo or Kalenjin? No, even Luo & Kalenjin albinos speak the local language & can live comfortably among everyone else. Luo & Kalenjin surnames have an ancestry & surely they can distinguish whether you're Luo or Kalenjin by your surname alone. What there is now in South Africa is a dead end society. Black people who are convinced the Anglo-Dutch creation of South Africa is theirs & Europeans who claim African land is theirs. Let's reach a compromise then. Everyone gets to live in South Africa on African land. Hold on, "We the Dutch created South Africa for ourselves, we can't let these blacks have it. We're not like these British & Anglos who can just go home, we don't speak Dutch anymore." Here is our problem. We have a "hot under the collar" race of Huguenots & Dutch descendants who want nothing more than to exterminate the black population of South Africa like USA did to the Amerindians. Amerindians who now live in small reserves in USAs midwest. Here we have a problem that can be fixed by simple "Amicable Deportation ", we work with the Indian, French, Chinese, Dutch & British governments to send their people home. If they are not comfortable in South Africa, they can be organised jobs & placed in naturalisation programmes in their homelands before they leave South Africa. Simple.

Speaking of the USA, we now have "expatriates" from USA coming to Africa. Who happen to be mostly black people. Like I've said before, I have no problem with these people if they feel they are home in Africa but we have a problem when we see that they hate Africans in USA. "So if you hate Arabs, why go to Saudi Arabia?" you ask. I'm not sure what their motive is myself but only time will tell. They have DNA testing kits in USA that show them where most of their DNA is from if they want to know their origins & they can go live among their people in peace. It's sad that we loved Halle Berry so much only to realise that black Americans hate Africans. So maybe there's nothing left except to remove American content from our lands. "No, we can't do that," amakoporish say "the leaders of the land are being paid by USA so we have to forge unity even when it is non-existent." What a stew of chewing gum our world is in.

But if we got rid of USA - we'd have to replace KFC, rap music, r&b music, Microsoft, Android, Google, American vehicles, McDonalds, Hollywood etc. Yes, indeed, we'd have to. This could bring much needed jobs to our people.

I think what we have all, including myself, have failed to do is leave people be. If people don't like you, don't force yourself to be seen by them. You're unwanted. Let it go.


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