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Showing posts from February, 2024

What black people need to know about coloured (mixed-race) people...

Many mixed-race people who have, at least, one black parent identify as black in the Western world. In Africa, it's not the same... mixed race people in Africa, especially those with white fathers prefer their father's identity & rightfully so, one usually claims the identity linked with their father's surname. What we as black people assume is that mixed-race people who were born under black culture should simply adopt black culture & forsake their other heritage. Virtually leaving little room to express themselves in full so, in time, they grow resentful of the culture they were born under. My theory is if someone is not of full blood, they should not be considered any of the identities they are a mixture of. Then you say "Maybe when an individual has no identity to go home to, he/she goes rogue & becomes a menace to society when lacking something to hold on to." This might be so in unstructured societies with no identity & direction but where ...

How learning foreign cultures & languages can help you...

• Studying foreign cultures & languages offers an escape if you're caught in a one-dimensional world. • We all know that being stuck in a one-dimensional world has a toll on your mental health so as well as providing an escape from a dead-end world, learning foreign languages helps keep you sane . • When you know many languages, it opens up avenues & opportunities for you in the job market. • It decreases xenophobia by decreasing ignorance of a foreign people, once you know why a certain people do things in a certain  way, it helps you understand them & you stop othering them. • It helps you understand the world & geopolitics better when you understand the laws & ways of being of certain lands.

Africa versus The World

I noticed that one question that seems to undermine Africa the most is "Why didn't Africa invent the wheel?" As if we were expected to have been able to when Australasians, Pacific Islanders, indigenous South American tribes, indigenous North American tribes & Eskimos all never invented the wheel. The wheel was invented in Mesopotamia (modern day Iraq), so unless you are Mesopotamian or Iraqi & to be precise, a direct descendant of the man or woman who invented the wheel, you have no reason to be proud of something you didn't make. If you're really determined in Africa inventing it's own wheel, here it is: Black man fixing wheel. This Africa versus the World narrative continues in many technological inventions. Why didn't Africa invent this & that. Africa did invent many things, the only problem is that we weren't as loud with our creations as the Western world at the time. Ma...

Ancient Zulu & Swazi architecture.

Some more important points I picked up from this research :  • The earliest type of walling, Moor Park, dates from the 14th to 16th centuries and is located in defensive positions on hilltops in the midlands, from Bergville to Dundee. This area is historically known as belonging to the AmaTiti Kingdom. • Moor Park (known as Emhubeni in the native Zulu language), is one of the oldest iron-age sites in KwaZulu-Natal dating back to AD 1300, can be seen from the Makhabeni Hill. • From an archaeological perspective, the first appearance of Nguni speakers can be recognised by a break in ceramic style; the Nguni style is quite different from the Early Iron Age sequence in the area. This break is dated to about AD 1200.  Cross section of the ancient ruins at Emhubeni.  Seeing as the first iron tools** in South Africa (i. e. northern KZN) were carbon dated to be from 200 AD, it's possible that older (Zulu) tribes wh...

Mandatory service to the land.

Military service: A lot of people see military leaders wearing military gear who govern countries as sort of warmongers or people who are obsessed with war & while some probably are, the purpose of the military holds more importance in a land than just war, border security & defense. Militancy has it's role in any functioning society. In Africa, we often see wayward youths on the streets doing little, maybe the odd piece job here & there but no distinguishable or established trade. This happens while the land's borders are unguarded & riots happen unchecked by anti-riot police force, where are the young men that are supposed to be doing these tasks? Militant discipline helps with basic punctuality & having a purpose. When a young man is not treated like garbage all the time & given the role of defending the land, he gets a purpose & established role in society. While it's not quite running around with a Curriculum Vitae looking for employment,...

Black obsession with Ancient Egypt.

I've seen these posts on the internet of black people, usually from U. S. A., claiming that Egyptian pharaohs were black. Mr. Cheikh Anta Diop did indeed prove that some Ancient Egyptian pharaohs & Ancient Egyptian citizens were genetically black. It's best when you can prove things scientifically with genetics & in simple terms so all can understand things lest ancient texts (heiroglyphics in this case) be misinterpreted by people who are less informed. Ancient Egyptians were said to be Hamitic people, their descendants are said to be the Coptic people of modern-day Egypt (see image below). As opposed to Arabs who are a Semitic people.  Even if they were black, I find it troubling to claim an identity that is not completely yours because when the true owners of it appear, you risk looking like a fraud. For example, I can't claim the works of the Oromo or Songhay as part of my identity even if they are black like me. I can claim works of Zulu, Swazi, N...

Why a United States of Africa won't work as well as it's instigators think it will.

Many have heard of the story of Babylon where people of many nations united to build a giant ziggurat so they could reach God or be like God. So either God's angels or God Himself confused their languages so they could separate & go to different lands. I'm not sure what this story is meant to teach myself but I think I get the just of it. Simply; God hates multiculturalism . What does God have against forcing people together who are from different lands & speak different languages? Why would God hate this? Maybe this explains why every empire or forced unification of people has never stood the test of time. Why do we preach global unity or continental unity when God has shown in the past that He is against this? Why is He against multiculturalism? Well, I did some research. Multi-ethnic lands do seem to be more hateful or racist towards outsiders. If not, they are often murder capitals or crime capitals of the world (see image below). Is it just simply human nature ...