Is equality possible in a diverse, multicultural & multiracial society society? Of the Top 10 most equal countries in the GINI coefficient index, all 10 are homogenous ethnostates. It is simple; people who are alike, treat each other equally. I can't see homogeneity translate into current South African society. What would need to happen to enforce equality in South Africa would be government enforced equality measures. This means; 1) a centralised education system for all schools, 2) centralised, state-controlled work & labour practices & 3) centralised, unified cultural expression (single language, single religion & uniculturalism) in the land. This, ultimately, does mean leftism. State-enforced equality will eventually lead to a unified culture & belief system which will lead to equality across the land even in a multiracial & multiethnic society. We know this because we've seen it work in the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia & to some extent Tanzania. When people are made to live a similar course of life with the same opportunities, the land eventually unifies & equality is created - which is not the case in South Africa. South Africa rather promotes inequality & classism where it is very difficult to gain favour with the South African system if you are of a certain race & class.
So what is equality? Equality is the comfort of knowing you are among people who live the same life as you. Such things have value but you can't really put a price on them. Equality itself is a type of wealth, the comfort it brings is akin to having economic wealth. An equally poor society feels this comfort & an equally rich society feels this comfort. So if you ask me what importance equality holds is that you don't have to constantly look over your shoulder wondering whether someone wants what you have & whether they're not willing to risk injury to get it. An equal country usually has less crime because reason for crime has less value when people are equal? All the most equal countries in the GINI coefficient probably have the least crime, I have not checked but I'd bet a reasonable amount on my claim. So that is what equality in a land means to me. It covers the so-called "nation building" that South Africa's government so often speaks of. If equality can't be created by forging a single unicultural nation, leftism becomes the next best solution at creating equality. Equality sometimes seems like a swear word to capitalists but while leftist concepts need clever implementation to create economic benefits for a land, capitalism does not always ensure equality. The trend is; the more diverse a society, the more it leans to wards capitalism & inequality.