While it's true that the mind often blocks out negative experiences in the past, it does this for a reason. Sometimes the memory of certain things may be irrelevant & could cause unnecessary negative emotions which have no place in the present.
Now, my childhood was full of adventure & promise. In your youth, you still have hope. When you are young, you believe people are better than they are which leads to disappointment as you get older but it is still a comforting feeling believing everyone is doing what they should, when they should be doing it. Deviants seemed like a very small part of my youth, then again deviants always seemed "cool" so we'd never know how evil they were outside their cool factor.
There's no reason why as adults we couldn't feel hopeful about our world & South Africa in general today.
I am a person of little importance, this has been the case throughout my life. But today, I feel important for a reason I'm not really sure of... something that has never been part of my life before. Until today, the concept of me being important feels foreign & almost has no place in my life. Something happened in 2012 that changed my world, I'm not sure what it was to this day but you feel things changed when people who never cared about you start giving you unnecessary attention.
But enough of my messy adult life, back to the South Africa I grew up appreciating. You know, there's no reason why we can't live in a land where we trust the people running the country. For us to trust our leaders, we need to identify with them & you can't identify with someone who lived a different life than yours. If a land isn't homogenous, it could at least have the same standardised education, indoctrination & national vision for the land. We don't have this in South Africa, we have power hungry Jew billionaires & ruling political parties who have no clear identity or political ideology. A ruling political party which is virtually the "United Nations" in personalities & ideologies. Opposition parties of South Africa are often very clear about who & what they are. The ruling party seems to want to appeal to groups of people that are simply too diverse & so nobody is sure what they are. They seem to want to be a left-leaning pro-indigenous, political party & they're just not selling this concept of who they are (or want to be). Instead, the image they put out to the public is being a bunch of unsure "Uncle Toms" & "Aunt Jumimas" who want to please everyone (for votes) & their white masters (for finances).
I've been very scathing in my criticism of the governing political party here but I think it needs to be said. They're not the type of leaders that you feel like can take South Africa to new heights. They don't have the trustworthiness of a Thomas Sankara, for example. You don't feel like they care about the country & it's people. If this were Europe, the public would be worried & may vote them out but it is not Europe so nothing will happen in nonchalant South Africa.
Going back to the South Africa I loved as a youth; I imagine if we want to capture the magic of my childhood, we could consider a series of federal nationalist governments in indigenous ethnic regions. This would solve the problem of lack of trust. Traitors are often quickly dealt with in nationstates & good governance is much easier to find among nation-states because the people being governed are the same ethnicity as the leader. This is not made up, it has been researched & I've seen it in my personal experience. So if you want to ask me what my political ideology is, I guess simple logic would be my answer.