A humanoid robot is the least efficient robot design. Six wheels with strong grip, waterproof & some jumping capabilities make more sense. Humanoid/homonid design was, allegedly, for surveillance & energy conservation i. e. watching for predators & long-distance travel. Nothing wants to eat steel & plastic, & robots don't need to independently travel hundreds of kilometres. Humanoid robots are vanity creations or to just fool humans, which they seldom do. Any Terminator-type autonomous robots would not be of much use in the real world.
I can only imagine humans who are part robot (cyborgs) would make more sense than robots acting as humans. And with that, hopefully, we have ended all suspicion in some of a robot apocalypse with robots designed by Boston Dynamics (or Skynet) & other robotics companies. Even the four-legged robot would easily be rendered useless with a simple stick so it would be of little use in frontline combat or just anywhere with holes. Whereas my six-wheeled robot with jumping capabilities & steel wheels (I'll call it "Tsheketshe") would likely be more manoeuvrerable & less prone to damage than Spot. But I don't know much about robotics, I just know simple mechanics but would be happy to see a Spot versus Tsheketshe "square-up" in future in a Robot Wars-type battle.
I imagine that if you were a cyborg, your body could be engineered to get energy without eating or breathing - like a machine. So you could live easier on other planets than typical humans. The advantages of not needing to eat or breathe are obvious even on Earth. This could be done by your body simply having sodium-ion batteries or genetically engineered to gain energy through photosynthesis.