The 25th Dynasty, also known as the Nubian Dynasty, or Black Pharaohs, ruled Egypt between 744 BC & 656 BC as part of the greater Kushite Empire. The 25th Dynasty originated from the city-state of Napata in Nubia, in what is today Sudan.
King Shebitku & King Shabaka
Although the Manethonic and classical traditions maintain that it was Shabaka's invasion which brought Egypt under Kushite rule, the most recent archaeological evidence shows that Shabaka ruled Egypt after Shebitku and not before, as previously thought. The confusion may stem from Shabaka's accession via Kushite collateral succession versus Egyptian patrilinear succession.
Taharqa was the last Nubian ruler of Ancient Egypt before Hamitic / Semitic (Arabic) rule of Psamtik II.
Architectural legacy of the Nubian pharoahs of Ancient Egypt
Although Sudan is not known for it's pyramids, it is said to have more pyramids than Egypt - albeit smaller pyramids than those at Giza. The Nubian pharoahs also built great architecture in Ancient Egypt.