What would South Africa look like without racial classifications? We just have to look at Angola, France, Cape Verde &, more recently, Ivory Coast. A lack of racial classification improves very little except minor improvements in televised sports because races working together in a team, while quiet common in the modern world, still intrigues us. In fact, a lack of racial classification increases subtle racism in most cases. A majority black state that has no racial classification often falls victim to subtle racism, a majority white state that has no racial classification often has an increase in subtle & expressed racism. So to me, an ethnostate where race is comprehensively classified is still better than all other options.
We have a real problem with image in a multiracial world & there is no easy solution when people are judged by something as permanent as race or their facial features. Every race is genetically adapted to a specific geographic & climate region. This is not something to be ashamed of no matter how odd in appearance. If your genetic adaptations (i. e. amount of melanin, head shape or nose shape) work in your world, that's all that matters. Natural selection focuses on survival & not appearance. There are obvious biological disadvantages with having light skin in Africa & like wise with dark skin in polar regions. Like how fish find it hard to live on land, birds find it hard to live underwater. There will always be a trade-off in evolution to favour better adaptations to our environment for those that will hinder our survival in a specific environment, this is called natural selection.
When there are kids that have a percentage of every race & ethnicity in the world - will things really be better? I very much doubt it, we have examples like the Dominican Republic & Brazilian favelas of what happens when we have people who are virtually every race in the world. Absolute, racial mixing causes degeneration of society on a massive scale. While we want to be multiracial, multiethnic & multicultural people in our hearts - it benefits very few people in the end & causes mass degeneration in morality & more often than not, increases crime exponentially.
So whether we classify people by their race or not, the concept of race will always exist as surely as the concept of species.