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Kwatuism will not kill you.

The symbol of Kwatuism: A sorghum plant sheltered by two spears forming a triangular mount & facing in opposite vertical directions. 

As a black man, I would love for Africans to fully develop & this does not necessarily mean skyscrapers & cutting-edge technology. Development to me means a land that is a fool-proof system where everyone knows what they should be doing at which time & why. This we can do by analysing the human life & what a nation needs. A nation in it's land needs protection from intruders, invaders & malicious foreigners as well as food security & it's citizens need shelter. 

Let's note in point form: 
• Border protection & therefore, airspace protection. 
• Food security. 
• Housing. 

Any nation that does not prioritise the above will always have problems. 

Now, in the modern world high-tech defence & telecommunications have become increasingly important with telecommunications merging with software companies. Defence & technology are near vital if your nation does not want to go extinct in the modern world. Forget about self-driving cars, passenger drones & all this other IoT stuff. We need functioning technology for everyday people. The people who defend the land need to be armed in a way that they are not overwhelmed by drones & malicious software attacks & infiltrations from outside. To me, it is unbelievable that some borders can just be strolled across because of lack of surveillance & deployment of defence force personnel on borders. 

A land's industries:
Defense & armed response: A state-owned armed response company as well as a weapons, military equipment & military machinery designing & manufacturing company. 
Software: A software company that would have locally based data centres & servers. This company could run the state's websites, social media & employment/job finding database.
Land-allocation mapping: This would map land of traditional authorities & chiefs, state land, state farm land, privately-owned properties, privately-owned farms, education institutions & residential land.
National food security: State-owned farms, state-owned supermarkets & school feeding schemes.

The Life of an individual in a Kwatuist state:
A person is first an infant & he/she needs the necessary nutrition to develop, they then need to go to school & learn things that will help them in the world. A person must leave school knowing; 
1) how to plant food & look after livestock, 
2) how to count, read & write, 
3) the land's laws - all of them so they know not to break them, 
4) how to defend themselves & their land, 
5) how to drive & use modern technologies, 
6) the national language. 
These are the six things that EVERY child must leave school knowing how to do. All these must be state funded as well as school transport & school sports. 
This person then needs to leave school for trade training, to learn a craft if they so wish or to be a professional sportsman for the select few. They then need from the state: 
• efficient transport, 
• affordable shelter, 
• health cover, 
• employment & 
• life cover 

For the state to provide these, a state bank needs to come into play. Preferably, this state bank needs to be the only bank in the land. This bank needs to have a health cover plan, life & funeral cover plan (with a compulsory publicly accessible will), loan sector, currency exchange, insurance, military veteran's fund & investment sector etc. And because the state bank is so vital for the lands running, it needs the necessary encryption systems & cybersecurity. 
Efficient transport means taxi, bus, rail & air. The transport department needs to know of & maintain every airport on national land. The taxi industry needs to be state-owned - which means minibus taxis would need to be purchased or bartered with a state job from the minibus taxi owner. A state job that would include health cover, life cover & retirement benefits. 
Shelter could be five or seven storey matchbox house units, the same highrise (but single room) units for the homeless outside urban areas. 
Employment could be solved by a state database that lists every individuals skills & educational qualifications to match with available jobs from the state or other businesses. This employment database would need to be the only way people post vacancies & qualifications nationally. This would help government gauge employment statistics more accurately as well. 

Marriage could also be state-funded & dowry practices may need to be legislated with a lobola fund.

The state may own other businesses such as food delivery company which would deliver various fast foods & delicacies to people on a prepaid or contract payment system. A state microblogging social media company could provide robust online discussions on national matters. This microblogging social media site could include video calling.

After work & an individual retires, they need to have health benefits & a retirement payment or old-age monthly payment. This old-age salary should be paid whether or not a senior individual is working because we can't deny the elderly the opportunity to continue working just because they won't get elderly payment. 

Compulsory military service for males should also be prioritised as well as a sports industry & talent identification structures in schools. This is what an individual needs to live a full life in any African land. 

This written work was written in the morning of 4 November 2024. It was meant to be translated into Swahili, French, Portuguese & Zulu for all Africans but since this wasn't done you can translate the whole work into whichever language you want including Hausa, Yoruba & Arabic with the translation widget on the top right-hand side of the blog.


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