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Laws to fix the land...

Not exactly the Law of Moses but may also work... 

• All men do six month military service & all women do six month state farm service. Mentally & physically disabled are to do six month designated state service (e. g. street cleaning, park cleaning, beach cleaning or other labour required by state).
• Illegal for individual to harm pregnant woman. Murder of pregnant woman treated as double murder & if child survives, murder treated as murder & attempted murder. 
• Legal for elder family member to use physical punishment to discipline young family member. 
• Abortion legal. Only consent of pregnant female required. 
• All drugs legal for individuals over 21 years. Alcohol & tobacco legal at 18 years. Marijuana legal from 16 years. 
• Only registered handguns allowed for general public (only written mental exam, non-violent criminal record & registration required for ownership). Special permit required for rifles, automatic guns & shotguns etc. 
• Fighting licences immediately available at police station, to be signed by all parties involved. Fighting or physical attacking of individual without fighting licence considered assault & attempted murder. 
• Petty crimes (e. g. theft of cheap food items, minor assault etc.) can be punished by a set number of whip lashes & no prison time required. 
• Sitting in driver's seat of vehicle while intoxicated or less than five hours after drinking alcohol punishable by revoking of driver's licence & six months in jail. 
• Large-scale theft (e. g. car theft, large sums of money, expensive items etc.) punisheable by chopping of pinkie finger. 
[Theft will be classified as unauthorised taking or use of belongings of owner by individual even if items are voluntarily returned after use. Borrowing/lending items from owner without permission is considered theft.]
• Fraud punisheable by lashes & revoking of access to framework where crime was committed (i. e. to prevent future fraud, individual may no longer access papers or institution they committed fraud with). 
• Murder punishable by death unless; undisputed evidence of self-defence provided or if murdered individual was an intruder or trespasser. Then, only prison time can be suitable punishment.
• Littering punishable by whip lashes. 
• Public urinating or defecating punishable by whip lashes. 
• Prisoners to do minimally paid public service (e. g. pothole repairs, road maintenance, railways, public infrastructure, grass cutting, periodic garbage collecting etc.) because the state provides their upkeep. If state is in a war, prisoners called up to defend the land may have criminal record cleared. 
• Other than the above; only the monarch can clear criminal records or have someone imprisoned, lashed or executed. 
• The monarch himself cannot break the law & is immune to any legal punishment. 
• Chiefs are subject to monarch's ruling should they break laws & can only clear criminal records & cases with monarch's authority. 
• No information should be considered private to solve a legal case. Law enforcers can have access to all information, bank statements, cellphone networks data & hackers to maintain law & order. 

NB: Whip lashes administered at legal department by authorised masked/veiled individuals & not publicly by police.


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