When I speak of South Africa's minorities - I do mean racial minorities such as coloureds, Indians & whites not ethnic minorities such as the Phuti & Nama.
Now, these minorities are often angered by the state of disfunction in South Africa. I offer solace not contempt when I say MAJORITY RULES. Knowing the history of South Africa, their rage seems misplaced because they will always seem to be the foreign entity despite their best efforts at including themselves in majority matters. It is not the colour of their skin as much as their condescending mannerisms towards a previously oppressed indigenous people that earns them disapproval.
In any peaceful land, the majority needs to be satisfied with the state of the country. Minorities leading/controlling a country will always lead to turmoil & unrest. This is why Apartheid & African colonialism were doomed, because of minority rule. If Apartheid were applied where Boers were the majority (i. e. Holland), they may still be having their way with other races today but they're not in Holland for them to implement their ideology - with Boer nationalist ideology being forced to cower in secluded areas such as Orania.
Remember that, the majority always directs the identity of the land no matter what the minority believes. If minorities openly reject majority rule, they are better off leaving the land... because in time, if they don't swallow their pride as perceived outsiders living in the land & continue to oppose the majority - they will often be dealt with & dealt with harshly.