A humanoid robot is the least efficient robot design. Six wheels with strong grip, waterproof & some jumping capabilities make more sense. Humanoid/homonid design was, allegedly, for surveillance & energy conservation i. e. watching for predators & long-distance travel. Nothing wants to eat steel & plastic, & robots don't need to independently travel hundreds of kilometres. Humanoid robots are vanity creations or to just fool humans, which they seldom do. Any Terminator-type autonomous robots would not be of much use in the real world. I can only imagine humans who are part robot (cyborgs) would make more sense than robots acting as humans. And with that, hopefully, we have ended all suspicion in some of a robot apocalypse with robots designed by Boston Dynamics (or Skynet) & other robotics companies. Even the four-legged robot would easily be rendered useless with a simple stick so it would be of little use in frontline combat or just anywhere with holes. ...