I must start with a disclaimer again because I don't know the situation of black Americans. But since we keep hearing of an exodus of black Americans from the USA & Americas to Africa; I devised this idea, a few months back. But who's going to fund this & if it were funded why would they choose this exact plan or path? Well, there isn't a better thought-out plan & funders would be the African Union & the USA.
What would be the benefits of this plan of such a massive scale? Yes, it is creating a new country & identity but it is ideal in that black Americans would create their own land rather than live in a land where they may not fit well in that lands social fabric. I think black Americans have their own set of values, way of doing things, cuisine & cultural expressions. These would be better expressed in a sovereign black American state (i. e. Hadinkanjamaa) than in Ghana, Morocco, South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya or Tanzania. I do not believe that black Americans are sponges that they'd immediately absorb the customs of the lands they go to. We've heard of xenophobia in Africa & I think African Americans have been & could be subject to this xenophobia themselves.
I imagine if the most popular & wealthiest black Americans have a base in Hadinkanjamaa, they could open the gates towards investments & other black Americans moving to & putting their money towards the Hadinkanjamaan project.
What about Liberia? Liberia (island of Maryland) was the first project of this kind. Liberia is where freed slaves of America were resettled & this did cause a string of conflicts & resentment towards the black American setllers. Did they eventually manage to come to peace with the indigenous inhabitants? Perhaps, but with things like this, they usually have long-lasting effects & resentments towards specific groups become engrained in the culture of native people. So, to me, Western Sahara being one of the least populated places in the world is ideal. The only group that claims Western Sahara, such as the Sahrawi, virtually just moved in there from elsewhere & they are so sparsely populated that they may as well be tourists there. Western Sahara is ideal for the forming of the state of Hadinkanjamaan. The Sahrawis are not indigenous to that land. I, personally, would love to see the black American voice as it's own entity unhindered by USA. What would a music industry, technology industry & sports industry owned solely by black Americans look like?
Not every black American would have to be forced to be Hadinkanjamaan or move to Hadinkanjamaa. All black Americans who still feel America is their home should be as they are but to those who feel black American culture & expression belongs in Africa, Hadinkanjamaa could provide an alternative.